Leading Edge Technology
Competition is reshaping the business of electricity generation, transmission and distribution. Deregulation and the unbundling of services are creating uncertainties as well as opportunities in the industry.
Our idea is very simple: empower the people involved in the power industry by providing the knowledge, the skills and the tools to be successful in the increasingly competitive market environment.
Founded in 1997, iEnergy has become one of Australia's leading provider of forecasting and market information system.
Our Services
Electricity Trading System
Successful trading and bidding into a competitive electricity pool requires the ability to respond quickly to the changing market conditions.
iPool provides the features required to enable quick and appropriate market responses:
Volume position and exposure
Financial position and exposure
Short term and intra-day forecasting
Competitor Bid Offer Analysis
Fast historical Market Analysis
Interactive what If Market Scenarios
Electricity Price Forecasting and Analysis
Forecasting Short and Medium Term Electricity Pool Prices and Generation, iPool uses accurate Market Bid-Based dispatch optimization and has Intelligent Bid Behaviour Modelling that responds dynamically to changing market conditions using Fuzzy Inference System technology.
Electricity Customer Load Profiling/Pricing
The demand profiles of customers can vary according to the industry, according to the type of calendar day and can have different volatilities. iPool can capture and create load models from the historical demand. These load models can be used for customer classification, for forecasting, for pricing and for detecting non technical loss events.
Meter Data Analysis Module
iPool can load, process, and analyze hundreds of customer's meter data.
Load and process varying formats of time intervals – 5, 15, 30 and 60 minute intervals.
Determines peak and off-peak energy, load factors, and probability ranges.
Display the load profiles of the meter data.
Aggregates the load according to user defined classifications, such as by industry type or by substation location.
Meter Irregularity Detection
Detecting and predicting meter data irregularity or what is known as Non-Technical Loss (NTL) is challenging. NTL can be caused by malfunctioning metering equipment but the term is generally a euphemism for electricity fraud or theft which can be in the form of meter tampering and illegal connections. iPool detects and high lights these irregularities and provides the user a way to adjust the detection sensitivity.
Under the Hood
The advent of competitive electricity markets and the continuing deployment of the smart grid and Advance Metering Infrastructure in the electricity industry present both challenges and opportunities in the power industry. The iPool software provides energy companies and power consumers a user-friendly tool for managing market risk, forecasting prices, profiling and pricing demand in the competitive power industry.