Electricity Price Forecasting and Market Analysis
iPool Electricity Market Forecasting System
iPool ‘s fuzzy logic based bid behavior modeling provides realistic market responses within simulation and its object oriented technology allows it to model the complex dynamic interactions within the power system for creating more accurate scenarios for long term forecasting and planning.
Price Forecasting
The key to accurate forecasting is the model’s ability to accurately model reality. Validating the accuracy of the model is the first step in forecasting. iPool’s iView facility shows comparisons of actual vs. simulated prices for checking model validity. iPool has the following relevant features for market analysis and forecasting:
Uses actual market provided bid-offer data files with minimal to no manual processing required.
iPool’s Bid Aggregator creates typical bid offers for different calendar days from historical bid offers.
iPool can auto-detect new incoming units and can extract relevant forecast parameters from historical scenarios that are user modifiable for forecasting future scenarios.
Intelligent Bid Behavior Modeling
iPool’s use of Object Oriented technology enables complex and flexible modeling of market events. These events can include changes in supply capacity, demand, limits, storage levels, price limits and even market rules. iPool:
Optimizes planned maintenance
Models planned and random Outages
Models full and partial Outages
Models mean time to Fail and Repair
Calculates availability parameters from historical data
Provides visual display of outages across time
Event Modeling
iPool’s use of Object Oriented technology enables complex and flexible modeling of market events. These events can include changes in supply capacity, demand, limits, storage levels, price limits and even market rules. iPool:
Optimizes planned maintenance
Models planned and random Outages
Models full and partial Outages
Models mean time to Fail and Repair
Calculates availability parameters from historical data
Provides visual display of outages across time
Monte Carlo Simulation
The chronological sequential type of the Monte Carlo simulation of iPool, unlike other type of Monte Carlo simulation, can capture the very important tail-end part of the price duration curve. The simulation can be either market bid-based or non-market cost-based and it can model various stochastic variables. iPool does the:
Modeling of random generator unit full and partial outages
Modeling of random weather for wind generation and demand
Modeling of participant bid responses to changes in capacity and market conditions